Current Publishing

Utility sale: All marketing, no substance


Now that the IURC has approved the purchase of the Westfield water and sewer utilities, I feel compelled to respond to the “guest” column by Mr. (Citizens Energy Group President Carey) Lykins. While I hope that everything he states in the letter comes to pass, the evidence in front of us indicates otherwise and only time will tell.

I assume that Citizens had competent folks doing the due diligence for the Indianapolis acquisition. Therefore, I find it hard to believe that they didn’t know funding investment via debt was going to be changed even before it was purchased. Why then wasn’t the impact of any anticipated change not divulged to the customers beforehand? I expect the same to happen in Westfield. There will be some unforeseen special cause which will require a rate increase in order to continue to provide the superior service we all deserve.

Unfortunately, the Westfield government has grand plans and needed to sell one of the few assets we had so they are partners in this plan. Rather than use the proceeds to create a reserve fund and revenue stream, we will get some roundabouts and a couple towers on the new highway, all marketing and no substance.

Roy Maynard


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