Current Publishing

City Council Recap

Compiled by Karen Kennedy 

What Happened: Councilor Ron Carter announced that a revised version of Ordinance D-2137-13 (Multi-use path laws) has been adopted by the Parks, Recreation and Arts committee and will be presented at the next council meeting.

What it Means: This ordinance has been in limbo as Judge Brian Poindexter and City Attorney Doug Haney could not come to terms on certain points in the ordinance. Poindexter was lobbying for allowing horses on the Monon Trail and doing away with the speed limit. Both Haney and Carter refused to consider any version of the ordinance which contained either of those two points.

What’s Next: An equine-free version will have its first reading at the Nov. 4 council meeting.


What Happened: Salaries for 2014 were approved for the Clerk Treasurer’s office, the city court, the city council, and all city employees.

What it Means: All salaries were increased by a standard 1.8 percent.

What’s Next: This is the first increase the council has taken for itself in six years.


What Happened: The following ordinances: The Support for the Arts Fund, Storm Water Utility, Extension of the Sunset Provision of the Range Line Road Overlay, Atapco PUD, Amendment of the C3 City Comprehensive Plan, and Illinois Street bonding were all read.

What it Means: All remain in their various committees.

What’s Next: They will be considered again at the Nov. 4 council meeting.


What Happened: Resolution CC-10-21-13-01: To set taxes payable in 2014 was passed.

What it Means: This sets the city’s tax rate with the state.

What’s Next: Citizens are assured a level tax rate for 2014. No tax increase will occur.


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