Current Publishing

NPA artists shine in showcase

By Mark Johnson

This month, Noblesville’s Nickel Plate Arts is offering a new forum to spotlight its eight resident artists.

The Studio Artists Showcase features the works of artists Lesley Haflich, Michael Janosky, Cassandra Medley, Karen Miles, Bruce Neckar, Stephen Osborne, Rodney Reveal and John Reynolds.

“Basically, each artist has taken a space and made a vignette of what they’re about,” Haflich said. “One of our artists, Karen Miles, is really experimenting. Her work is expressionistic with abstract leanings. Mine is more of a traditional expressionistic style. I do a lot with plein air painting.”

The showcase, which runs now through Nov. 23, includes master drawings, paintings, prints and photography. All featured artwork is available for purchase to the public.

“I have several new pieces I started this past summer,” Janosky said. “I do primarily landscapes of northwestern Indiana.”

“All of our art is Indiana-based, with the exception of Rodney Reveal, who goes out West,” Neckar said. “John Reynolds and I both use wildlife as subjects, but John does more with painting. Mine is more drawing and mixed media.”

So what sets this show case apart from previous Nickel Plate exhibitions?

“We’re all like brothers and sisters,” said Medley, whose specializes in photography. “This is the first time that we’ve all worked together!”

“This one is different because of the leadership of the artists,” Neckar said. “The artists really spearheaded this and got the ball rolling.”

For more information, visit or call 452-3690.

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