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Meet your teacher, Stephanie Walker

COM Meet your teacher Walker

Grade/Subject at what school: Eighth grade U.S. History, Westfield Middle School

Number of years teaching: Five

Background/Schooling (college & high school): Hamilton Southeastern High School, Fishers; and bachelor’s in secondary education, Indiana University, Indianapolis.

Why did you become a teacher? I loved my social studies teacher, Mr. Catt, in high school because he made the story come alive. I also find that the education of society and human relations makes for better citizens.

What goals do you have for your students? My goals for my students are that they become thoughtful and thorough thinkers and doers. I want them to be technically and emotionally prepared to take a stand on an issue and defend it with credible evidence.

What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? Middle school kids often say that school was “fine.” Don’t leave it at that. Ask them with specific questions, like, “What was the first thing you did after lunch?” Even if they don’t talk about what they learned in a class, at least are practicing their communication skills. Also, be the four-year-old in their life: always ask “Why? Why? Why?” This gives them an opportunity to explain their reasoning and thought processes, which is essential to academic research and writing.

What is your favorite movie? I watched “Cloud Atlas” this summer, and it was a movie that really made me think. I like to analyze my entertainment. But my favorite of all time is probably “Shawshank Redemption.”

Who is your favorite musician or band? Not a band imparticular, but I love Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” because it’s three songs in one.

What’s something your students might not know about you? I graduated high school a semester early with an Academic Honors diploma.

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