Current Publishing

Opinion: We like Cook’s resolve on this


We’re seeing Mayor Andy Cook again stand his ground, political consequences be damned, and we like it. He and Hamilton County Councilman Rick McKinney are at distinct odds over the latter’s decision to not have county councilman Joe Plankis continue for another term. (Please see coverage of the issue elsewhere in this edition.) The dispute, though, is not what caught our attention. It was Cook’s digging in his heels for reasons he finds just. It reminds us of how he refused – steadfastly, we might add – to become defensive when overtly (some might say viciously) challenged for re-election back in the fall of 2011. And because he took the high road, he won by an incredibly scant margin. We admire anyone that sticks to his or her beliefs in an extremely ardent manner.

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Inside today’s paper you’ll find our annual Summer Camps guide. We sincerely hope it will be of good use to you. Attendant to that is Current Kids’ Day at the Center for the Performing Arts on March 1. It will be a family centric day loaded with activities and performances, some fee-based, others free. We urge you to attend and visit with a number of exhibitors you’ll find in the lobbies of the Palladium and the Booth Tarkington Theatre. For more information, please visit

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New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie last week conducted his 100th town meeting. Some governors don’t have one in four years. Now, before you go thinking it’s all about the 2016 campaign, think again. He has brought about REAL change (as a Republican, no less!) in a state that previously had shown a certain restraint for such. He says he cares, and he shows he cares. Maybe he actually will be the one to sideswipe Hillary Clinton and gain the presidency.

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