Current Publishing

Letter: Legion thanks Zionsville community


The Zionsville American Legion would like to thank the Zionsville Lions Club, the Last Call band and the community for coming out Friday, March14, to support the Raise the Roof fundraiser.

We had a very successful night and raised over $3,500. We could not have done this without your support. This has brought us closer to our goal for the new roof. I hope anyone that came for dinner enjoyed their meal, I’m sure you enjoyed the entertainment.

We have the SAL Steak & Catfish every second Friday of the month with any profit made going to the Roof Fund (which will eventually turn into the Parking Lot fund).

If you are interested in becoming a member or want to be put on our monthly email list for our weekly lunch specials, dinners and events that are always also open to the public send an email to:

Bob Parker


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