Current Publishing

Column: Giving back is rarely this much fun


If you are a Girl Scout and you have in your master sales strategy a plan to sell cookies door-to-door in the neighborhoods surrounding Smokey Row Elementary this Saturday evening, I have bad news. Nobody’s home.

Take my word for it and just pick another night.

As good as Girl Scout Cookies are, you can’t compete with the Smokey Row Elementary Super Soiree on March 29at Ritz Charles. It is sure to lure away every incoming, current and outgoing Smokey Row parent from the comfort of their home to an adults-only evening with each other.

The Super Soiree is a biennial event planned and executed by the Smokey Row Elementary PTO. Diana Wright is the PTO President this year and has experience working on previous Super Soirees.

When asked why she chose to give up so much of her time for this event she said, “It’s a volunteer activity I enjoy because I want all children at our school to have special opportunities they might not otherwise have if there was a charge. We use the money raised for many different projects but covering the cost of Field Trips is the most rewarding.”

This year’s fundraising goal of $15,000 will go directly to projects within the school that benefit learning in a variety of ways. In addition to covering the cost of field trips, the money is distributed to teachers to purchase classroom books, add recess and physical education equipment, conduct art projects and purchase unique musical instruments.

This year, the Soiree team of Wendi Bergsma, Karen Fairbairn, Allison Nisonson, Amy Stankiewicz, Lisa Pearo, Natalie Engledow, Elizabeth Pishkur and Erica Jones has created a silent auction that is accessible to the public via the convenience of a smartphone or home computer.

To bid on the authentic autographed Andrew Luck jersey, the signed Peyton Manning Broncos football, theme park tickets, trips or a variety of other items including a night at the Conrad Hotel, point your curser to:

In the past, the event has been a formal, sit down function. This first year returning to Ritz Charles, attendees can look forward to a high energy, mingle and dance style affair.

Go ahead, get online and help the kids at Smokey Row with a winning bid for your next treasure.

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