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Column: Space saving ideas for your kitchen

IO Decker Pot Rack

Pot racks make it easy to navigate and the design can help maximize the kitchen storage space in cabinets. (Submitted photo)


Pot racks make it easy to navigate and the design can help maximize the kitchen storage space in cabinets. (Submitted photo)

It’s no secret that the kitchen has to have the ability to multitask. Everything from meals, to entertaining, homework time and house storage is often done in the kitchen. The big question is: does your kitchen have enough space to accommodate all of these different functions? Implementing some space saving solutions into your kitchen can help you create a beautiful space that meets everyone in the family’s needs.

Make it easy to navigate, and your cabinetry design can help you make the most of every square inch of kitchen storage space. Consider installing higher cabinets where you can store some of the more infrequently used items. Creating more built-in storage means your kitchen will appear more spacious, inviting and tidy. Within your cabinetry, try installing lazy-susans, pullout shelves, or deep drawers to maximize the space. You can even install appliance garages to store toasters, mixers, juicers and more, so that they are out of sight when not in use. There are even cabinetry designs that feature built-in spice racks, trashcans or utensil organizers, so you can use every last inch of available space.

For many homeowners, the functionality of a kitchen begins with a well-designed island. Because most islands require quite a bit of space, it’s important to strategically plan your design. You may want to select a moveable island instead of a built-in, stationary one. Be sure to select an island size and style that won’t overwhelm your kitchen.

You can also use a bit of visual trickery to make the kitchen look larger. Open and glass cabinet doors can make a room feel bright, airy and more spacious. A mirrored backsplash is an inventive way to make a space look larger. Additionally, if you choose a light paint color that matches your cabinetry or countertops, this can trick the eye into seeing more space.

There are also some practical arrangements and strategies you can do to increase the amount of space in your kitchen. Use every inch of wall space for shelving, storage and hooks. Organize your pots and pans using a pot rack, which can hang over the range. Use trays or storage containers to cut down on clutter. To make the kitchen table area easier to navigate, select a chair set that doesn’t have arms.

The key to creating a space savvy kitchen is planning. Use every square inch effectively and you’ll be surprised at how the space can be transformed.

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