Current Publishing

Zionsville Chamber holds street clean-up day

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The Zionsville Chamber of Commerce Downtown Committee will be holding a Main Street Clean-up Day on from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., May 4.

This clean-up time will include street sweeping, trash removal and flower bed preparation. Large trash bags will be provided for volunteers to help with the clean-up.

Volunteers will meet at the Main & Hawthorne Streets parking lot at 10 a.m. where Chamber Downtown Committee members will assign clean-up areas and tasks.

Participating in the Clean-Up Day will be members from Zionsville Boy Scout Troop #358, Zionsville Girls Scouts Troop #1880 and the Village Residents Association along with Zionsville Chamber members and downtown store and restaurant owners.

“Main Street is well known as the epicenter for Zionsville’s shopping and dining locations,” saidd Chamber Downtown Committee Chairman, Tom Casalini. “We felt the best way to introduce the intentions of our Committee is setting an example by cleaning up the Main Street area in time for Brick Street Market.”

The public is invited to pitch in by bringing their own rakes, brooms and sweepers (along with a pair of gloves) and join other community residents in this undertaking. Bottled water will be provided.

“Hopefully the Clean-Up Day will focus more attention on the economic importance of our Main Street businesses,” said Chamber Executive Director, Julie Johns-Cole, “As new retail merchants and restaurants consider coming to Zionsville, we want to show them the pride our community has in this area.”

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