Current Publishing

Letter: Voters should verify coroner candidates’ credentials


I am writing to point out some of the claims made at the political forums recently. I have heard of a number of untruths. For instance, one of the coroner candidates claims he has worked for the past three coroners, but, when I think back I have worked closely with the coroner’s office for the past 8 to 10 years and I do not ever recall this individual working for them. I am also very familiar with the training required and the continuing education required to maintain their certification. This individual has been out of the loop for more than a decade. Roger Conn claims to have done his training in Illinois, which is not recognized by Indiana. As a firefighter I cannot go to Illinois and get continuing education without approval or acceptance from the State of Indiana. When I checked with the Indiana State Coroners Board they state that he has never kept up his certification per the Indiana statutory requirements. Is this what we want in an elected official? Anyone can call them; the number is (765) 479-1934.

Chief Steven L. Peachey, Cicero Fire Department, 46034

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