Current Publishing

Letter: Column raises up entire community


I have intended to email you all year to let you know how much my family and I continue to enjoy your column in the Current.

We are Westfield residents. Currently, I “virtual school” two of my children via K12, a classically flavored online charter school. They are currently in grades four and seven. My children’s curriculum includes extensive geography and world history. As an enrichment activity, I have them read and discuss with me your weekly columns. Several are taped to our home classroom wall.

This morning, I opened the paper to your article about Hagia Sophia. My eight-year-old grabbed it out of my hands in excitement, anxious to read more about the building he had studied during his unit on the conquering of Constantinople.

It is my hope that your column will continue for many more years. It is a welcome enhancement to the intellectual quality of the paper and, consequently, our community.

Michelle Foley


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