Current Publishing

Letter: School safety


Hello. I noticed a couple of weeks ago you guys made the headline story about the safety of the Hamilton Southeastern Schools. Well, I used to be a student there. I guess I should explain. You see, I was bullied for seven years while at the school. Kids would bully me and call me “gay” for my interest in music and the fact that I like to sing. It got so bad that I even thought some really dark thoughts. And my family and I approached the school district many times, but they rarely did anything about it.

But the worst part is that I’m not the only one! When I left, I knew dozens of kids that were excessively bullied. The reason I wrote this letter is because I hope to get some closure and have my voice heard. So just know that things may look nice on the outside, but on the inside it ca be very dirty.

Will Lochary

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