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New sports program led by educators

CIC Carmel Sports Mom 6.17WEB

Indiana Primetime Sports offers summer camps at University High School. (Submitted photo)

Indiana Primetime Sports offers summer camps at University High School. (Submitted photo)

By Terri Spilman

Indiana Primetime Sports is getting back to the basics by offering a new program called Primetime Square 1. The curriculum is designed specifically for young children to promote self-confidence over competition.

“Primetime’s goal is development versus intense competition,” said director Stephanie Kleiner, whose background is in elementary education.

Primetime Square 1 offers programs for kids 4 to 8 years old that focus on developing physical abilities, teamwork and personal growth in order to give them the confidence to try more than one sport.

“Kids fall into a trap,” Kleiner said. “They may be really good at soccer and want to try softball but literally don’t know how to use their bodies to throw a ball or know what muscles are even used for that.”

The program focuses on everything from sports vocabulary to foot-work to how to work with a partner. Kleiner said it’s important because most kids don’t know how to actually work together as a team at that young age.

“(Children) are really set to be molded at young ages, so from an educator’s perspective and a coach’s perspective you want to hone in on the skills that you do see in each child and develop those skills.”

Kleiner said her staff have all taught in the classroom work with kids beyond athletic prowess to bring out their personal best.

“Maybe they are a really great team player. Maybe they know how to help other people when they are down. Maybe they are somebody who is trying to focus on not necessarily every single thing you do on the field but how you relate to your teammates off the field as well that makes you part of the team,” she said.

Primetime has about 30 kids training programs and leagues for a variety of sports including baseball, basketball, football and soccer. Travel sports are limited to local competition to avoid unnecessary expenses and extraordinary time commitments on the part of families.

Kleiner played softball at the collegiate level and on the Junior Olympics team. She will personally lead the new 8U softball program at Primetime which will begin this fall.

Primetime is also accepting enrollment in several instructional camps this summer held at University High School.

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