Current Publishing

Westfield Police Department names caption contest winners

COM WPD Caption Contest

Residents were asked to caption this WPD photo on its Facebook page.

Residents were asked to caption this WPD photo on its Facebook page.

As important as social media is to get their message across when issues arise, the Westfield Police Dept. also enjoys having fun with its Facebook followers. For its second “Caption This! Contest” the department used a picture from a recent K-9 training competition. Police Chief Joel Rush said the top three captions will receive a Midland weather radio and the winner also receives a small Westfield gift package.

Rush said the captions, which had to come from Hamilton County residents, were judge based on a variety of factors including humor, creativity, amount of likes received, etc.

“Caption This! Contest” winners were:

• First place – Des Woodruff, “Does it make any difference? I found the ball!”

• Second place – Kim Wilson Plummer, “What do you mean I’m not allowed in Grand Park? It’s a park!”

• Third place – Mike Cinamon, “C’mon Dad, let me down. I promise I will jump in the water again the cats are laughing at me, this is humiliating…”

Honorable mentions included:

Amy Roth Miller: “Man, I sure hope this picture doesn’t end up in a ‘Caption This!’ contest.”

Brent Thompson: “That’ll be the last time you pretend to throw the ball and hide it behind your back…”

Craig Spinner: “Attention Homeowners: This is NOT a coyote!”

David Watkins: “Please be mud, please be mud!”

Jane Paullus Grimes: “Real Men Wear fur”

Robin Van Horn Stump: “Please can I walk? I promise I won’t chase the geese again!”

Wayne Eells: “Take your friend swimming, it will be a blast they said…”

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