Current Publishing

Christmas in the Village marketing gets a boost 

CIZ PhotoChristmasinVillage

(Photo by Julie Osborne.)

Zionsville residents walk the streets of the village during last year’s Christmas in the Village and watch as Santa Clause goes down Main Street in a carriage. Photo by Julie Osborne.

By Devynn Barnes

The Zionsville Town Council met last week to discuss marketing plans for this year’s Christmas in the Village. In a quick, unanimous meeting, the consideration of an additional appropriation resolution from the food and beverage fund, for an amount of $10,000, was approved. This money will help the Chamber of Commerce promote the December event.

The decision was brought to public hearing by town council president Jeff Papa before being motioned into approval. After no comments during the public hearing from the meeting attendees, the resolution turned back to the council.

Counselor Candace Ulmer expressed concerns about marketing the Christmas in the Village celebration with radio stations that already broadcast Zionsville advertisements, such as WITT. President of the Zionsville Chamber Board, Lesley Hunt, then took the floor to explain how the board plans to find the right radio stations for their marketing strategy.

“We just look at the ratings to see what type of audience they have,” Hunt said. “We simply go by the numbers.”

Hunt also explained how the type of audience ideal for marketing the Christmas in the Village is in an age range of 25 to 44 years old.

The resolution was motioned, seconded, and passed in a unanimous decision. The next Town Council meeting will be held in the Bev Harves Room of Zionsville Town Hall at 7 p.m. Aug. 4.

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