Current Publishing

Letter: Editorials are fine


After reading another editorial from one of the readers about Current being a propaganda newspaper for “right wingers,” I couldn’t help but notice the choice of words in their editorials: right wing bias, misleading, misinformed, Fox News fueled, incredibly offensive, propaganda, thinly veiled racism, distortion of facts and out of control clown car. After reading it, I thought for sure it would be signed by Jay Carney or some other democratic “strategist.” It seems kind of ironic that someone would be implying Current is promoting “right wing” propaganda by reciting a bunch of “left wing” propaganda. It also has a feeling of telling people they disagree with to be quiet, which is also part of the liberal movement. Quite frankly, if you are offended by what has been in Current (1/4 of a page out of 40 pages?), then you were just looking for an excuse to be offended. In my opinion, they have been very easy on this administration. Considering that this is one of the most incompetent, arrogant and dishonest administrations of all time, they deserve as much criticism as we can provide. It seems many people also have selective amnesia because they fail to remember the editorials that were critical of the Bush administration. They both deserve criticism, but we all know that the “mainstream media” only dishes it out to one side. Any media outlet that doesn’t fall in line with that philosophy is immediately considered “extreme” and condemned. Which brings me to the “Fox News” garbage we hear so much about. From morning until the talk shows begin in the evening, Fox News is the ONLY place on TV where you can get unbiased news. They hold both sides accountable as it should be. Every time I hear someone say Fox News lies, I ask for an example … any example, just one. I have yet to get one. And finally, I am not “pretending” to be unbiased when I am really a republican. I am an independent who has had enough of both sides. Bush was terrible and Obama is worse and people need to feel free to express their displeasure.

Tom Gregg

Zionsville, Ind.

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