Current Publishing

Indiana State Police warn drivers about Labor Day weekend


Commentary submitted by the Indiana State Police

The last holiday weekend of summer will find Hoosiers traveling across Indiana, be it for one final getaway boating at a state park, visiting friends and family, or country music fans driving to the Luke Bryan concerts this weekend at the Klipsch Music Center in central Indiana.

No matter your holiday travel plans, be aware of your surroundings, drive safely and not under the influence of intoxicating beverages or drugs.

The Indiana State Police and many other police agencies across Indiana will have additional patrols on the road as part of the nationwide Operation Pull Over safe driving campaign. Motorists may expect to see Sobriety Checkpoints as well as extra patrols in high traffic areas. Troopers will be looking for aggressive drivers that are speeding, following too close and making unsafe lane changes as well as violations of Indiana’s seatbelt law.



•Plan ahead and always designate someone as a designated driver.

•Don’t get behind the wheel of a vehicle if you’ve been consuming alcoholic beverages.

•If you are impaired, please call a taxi or call a sober friend or family member to come and get you.

•If you are hosting a party, always offer alcohol-free beverages, and make sure that all of your guests leave with a sober driver.

•Remember, Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk. Take the keys and never let a friend leave your sight if you think that they are about to drive while impaired.


The Indiana State Police remains committed to reducing the number of impaired driving crashes. Motorists are encouraged to report suspected impaired drivers by calling 911. Give a vehicle description, location, and direction of travel. Never follow an impaired driver.

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