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Meet your teacher, Ann DeCocq

CIN COM Teacher DeCocq

School/grade: Fourth-grade teacher at Hazel Dell Elementary

Years teaching: 26 years and DeCocq is one of the last original members of Hazel Dell. She is one of the Project Lead the Way Launch lead teachers at Hazel Dell. With PLTW the teachers at Hazel Dell are working to employ Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education into the classrooms.

Why did you become a teacher? “I became a teacher to have a positive impact on the lives of my students. I strive to help them understand that they are an important member of our classroom and a larger community. I want them to find their voice in my room and to know that they are capable of great things both during the school year and in the future.”

What are your goals for students? “I want my students to be able to make progress and show growth throughout the school year. I want my students to be comfortable in making mistakes and asking questions. I’d like my students to develop a love for reading and to become lifelong readers!”

What advice would you give parents? “Well, I’m a parent of two Noblesville students myself and there’s definitely a reason my family and I live in Noblesville, the schools. I would advise parents to always have an open line of communication with their student’s teacher. It has been my experience that the teachers in Noblesville are more than willing to take that extra time to communicate with parents about students’ needs.”

What makes Noblesville Schools special to you? “As a former NHS grad and a parent of two Noblesville Students I cannot say enough about the amazing teachers at all of the schools. I still remember moving to Noblesville and having Mrs. Debbie Marcum as one of my first teachers. I loved Mrs. Marcum’s class and how she made history come alive for her students. In Noblesville all of the teachers give so much to their students and classrooms. I am proud to say that I teach in Noblesville and to be included in this group of outstanding educators.”

What is something others might not know about you? “Before having our two girls, my husband, Jeff, and I traveled through Europe for a month one summer. It was a trip of a lifetime and it has provided me with some wonderful memories.”

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