Current Publishing

Letter: Cuba commentary appreciated


I am originally from Cuba and have been a Fishers’ resident since 2007. This is my first time seeing any writing about my home country in the local periodical. So, reading your article (9/30 A trip to the 1950’s) definitely made my day! I know exactly how that tour guide felt, since while living in Cuba I obtained a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering but decided to keep the job—as technical PC operator at the international airport—I used to do before graduating, because I was earning a bit more than the average Cuban. But, I always knew that education is important and it would be useful in the future. Sure enough, in 2012 I was able to transfer many of those credit hours and next year I should be culminating my OLS bachelor’s degree at IUPUI. I also agree that communism stinks, and capitalism—although in occasions a bit extreme—certainly works better. Anyways, I also hope that one day restrictions will be lifted and all Americans can visit, however as you said, once this happens, Cuba may totally lose what makes it so única . Again, thank you for taking the time to write the article.

Milay Lino

Fishers, IN 46038

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