Current Publishing

Letter: Reader agrees on importance of the arts in school


Great job on the article about the arts in our schools.  (9/30 HSE school board election impacts music education)  My 2 kids are just now out of HSE schools and were greatly impacted by their involvement in music and art classes. It’s not just about academics either! They would have just been lost socially without that community.  I cannot imagine how awful high school, in particular, would have been for them if it weren’t for marching band alone! My daughter was most involved in all the arts and I think that might be why she scored the highest on SAT’S. It’s a guess, but I know they both were greatly influenced by it.  (That was my experience as well.)  I know it is for so many others too.   Thanks for writing a good piece on that.  I hope the powers that be “get it”.  Keep up the good work!

MaryEllen Smith

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