Current Publishing

Five minutes with Diane Nevitt

CIN COM 5 MIN Nevitt

By Melissa Hicks

Diane Nevitt is the Hamilton County Historical Society museum director. She has been a resident of Noblesville for 70 years.

What has been your best vacation and why?

My youngest daughter and I went to Italy with my sister’s school. It was great to see the history there.

Have you had a teacher who inspired you and how?

In high school my typing and physical education teacher. She was young and enthusiastic … I just really enjoyed and looked up to her. Ms. Ford was her name.

What is the first thing you like to tell people about yourself?

I tell them that I work and it’s a job that keeps me off the streets but not out of jail because I’m working at an old jail.

What is one thing you would change about your community?

I guess I would like for people to be more involved in volunteering. There’s so many not for profits here in Noblesville and it would be great if they had to turn away volunteers … And I know there’s a bunch of them out there but we need more, always more.

What is one of your favorite places to go in the community? I have many. I like to walk along Potter Bridge Trail. I love Forest Park. I enjoy walking around town in the old part of Noblesville.

Five Minutes With is a recurring feature of Current in Noblesville. If you or someone you know would like to be featured, please e-mail

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