Current Publishing

Five minutes with Peggy Clark


By Melissa Hicks

Peggy Clark is owner of The Wild Bookstore on the Historic Noblesville Square. She has been a Noblesville resident for 18 years.

What would be the first thing you’d want to tell someone new to the community? Pay attention to everything that goes on on the Square. … Main Street does such a good job of planning events and it just brings people here. Ten times a day people will ask me where to eat, where to go, what to do. … Just shop local. It really does keep this town going.

What do you do in your spare time? I’ve got a son at Ball State, so I try to see him as much as possible. My daughter plays volleyball in high school, I go to all of her games for the most part; and I have two dogs that I walk every day. They’re both boys, Maverick and Goose.

What is something nobody knows about you? I’m good at golf.

Which local event most captures your attention? It’s a tie between the Fourth of July and the Street Dance.

What do you like most about your community? I like the small town feel. I like being able to go places, and I’ve been here so long I always know someone wherever I go. I always see a friendly face somewhere. I’ve never felt unsafe in this town.

Five Minutes With is a recurring feature of Current in Noblesville. If you or someone you know would like to be featured, please e-mail

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