Current Publishing

Opinion: Hillary runs off at the mouth again


At a Democratic rally last month in Massachusetts, Hillary Clinton’s attempt to assault “trickle-down economics,” resulted in a stunningly anomalous statement. The Washington Free Beacon reports that Clinton defended raising the minimum wage saying, “Don’t let anybody tell you that raising the minimum wage will kill jobs, they always say that.” She went on to say, according to the Beacon, that businesses and corporations are not the job creators of America. “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs,” the former secretary of state said. OK, that’s so much horse bleep that it isn’t even logical. We hope it strikes you the same way.  How, then, are jobs created, Mrs. Clinton (except for government, of course, where there are as many positions with lifetime benefits as there are paper clips in the backs of long-forgotten desk drawers)? And what about all the speeches you were hired to give to Goldman Sachs and others for large sums of money? Wouldn’t those be jobs, albeit short-term? Cashing checks for $12 million in the 16 months since leaving the State Department, and trickling down into your wallet? Yes! The liberals always look for ways to twist your mind and expect you to step right in line – except for when it comes to rules, and then they only apply to those of us on the other side of the fence. Keep in mind the woman uttering such nonsense likely will be the Democratic Party nominee for the U.S. presidency in 2016. She is the once-referred-to “Smartest Woman in the World.” The mainstream media loved that one. All she has shown us in the way of intelligence is she married well. She’s just another in a long line of bloated-government proponents looking to reach into the pockets of business owners and entrepreneurs. What’s worse, she believes what she says. Here’s hoping the weak-minded liberal media makes her eat her words. Whom are we kidding? That’ll never happen.

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