Current Publishing

Letter: Turning off Fox?


Reading Mike’s letter in the Current in Carmel of Nov. 1, my heart ached for poor Mike, who requested that you drop Fox News and (Russ) Limbaugh in favor of CNN, just for the sake of your reader(s).

I wondered, if I moved to New York City and received a free weekly copy of the New York Times, would I have the courage to write to their editors and request that they turn off MSNBC and try Fox News and Limbaugh? Would I be audacious enough to contend that my thinking was in line with (or should take precedence over) the thinking of their “readers”?

Much of Current in Carmel’s content is straight news, pure fact.  Much (though certainly not all) of their commentary is slanted toward the conservative. Is there any way you could send Mike his free Current, but remove all commentary that is not liberal? Perhaps hire a part-time fact remover (Mike might be willing to help with the cost)? If not, I fear for poor Mike’s sanity.

Linda Polizotto


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