Current Publishing

My Fishers: Its future

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With the impending change of Fishers from a town to a city, the town is asking residents to express their thoughts on what they would like the future city of Fishers to look like.  The town is calling it “My Fishers” and you can send your thoughts to  This is one installment:

By Jill Troha


The future of Fishers?  In my opinion, energetic, vibrant, and event-filled.  I moved to Fishers three years ago and was delighted to find a well-educated, culture-embracing population of families, senior citizens, and single people creating a community.  From what I see, our city planners are fulfilling a vision of a central gathering space filled with music, family-owned restaurants, and accessible artwork showcasing lots of local talent along the way.

Live music is a personal favorite of mine, and I am particularly proud of the new amphitheater and the variety of genres represented in the programming there. It seems that at least three times a week we have the option to enjoy musical talent somewhere in Fishers, which speaks well of the priorities of our city leaders. Parks and recreation has also worked hard to determine what form residents think our parks should take, and I am proud to see the focus on enhancing pathways that can be used for active transportation as well as programs to meet the needs of many age groups. Multiple civic groups make it easy for newcomers to get involved and I see many collaborative efforts happening as our city plays a role in convening those with like interests.

Innovative ideas on how to attract new businesses by encouraging entrepreneurs and investing in space that allows start-ups to grow is evident in our Launch Fishers. With intense competition for new businesses, I view Launch as a tremendous asset to our community, nurturing good ideas into thriving businesses located here in Fishers.  Additionally, we are well on our way to developing a unique, affordable framework that can attract and retain youthful employees who enjoy active lifestyles.  Creating an interesting mix of events, parks, and eating options within reach on a quick bike ride or walking path is a smart approach that I believe appeals to future generations.

It takes courage to create a sense of place that accommodates so many people of different age groups, cultures, faiths and family structures in a way that lets everyone feel a part of the new city that we are becoming.  Excellent schools, safe streets, and abundant opportunities are a great foundation for our city to thrive.  Fortunately, we have leadership willing to take carefully-planned risks to weave the old Fishers heritage with a vision of urban qualities into a Fishers we can all be proud of and enjoy.

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