Current Publishing

Five minutes with Jill Franklin

Jill Franklin

Meet Jill Franklin, owner of Trendi’s Hair Salon in Zionsville.

What is your favorite restaurant?

“To be honest, it wouldn’t matter where, as long as I was with my husband, wherever he wanted to go.”

What is your favorite thing about working in Zionsville?

“I’d say the sense of community and feeling like you are being supported by a smaller community, and that you are also getting to know a group of people as a whole as a opposed to living in a big city where it’s just individuals along the way.”

What is a good book you read recently?

“I read a good book just recently, and it was called Safely Home, and it’s by Randy Alcorn.  It helped you to understand how blessed we are here in America, and yet how easy it is to get away from our faith, and the importance of it.”

What is your favorite movie?

“The Help was a really good movie.”

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