Current Publishing

Five minutes with John Brass

John Brass e1421086798687

Meet John Brass, rental manager of the Fishers Do-It Center.

What is your favorite restaurant here in Fishers?

“The Stacked Pickle, usually for their hamburgers. I go there three or four times a week. I don’t even need to order anymore!”

What local events capture your attention?

“We have our annual Customer Appreciation Dinner or Lunch that we have here at the store. It’s usually in September. Every November we have our Christmas Showcase here in the store.  People come in and there’s music and of course, lots of free food.”

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

“I’d probably go to Montana just to go hiking. No lodge, just a tent, whatever I can carry on my back and whatever I can find.”

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