Current Publishing

A look at Rick Sharp’s campaign announcement

CIty Beat by Adam Aasen

On this cold morning of Monday, Jan. 26, City Council President Rick Sharp stood at a podium outside of Carmel’s City Hall near the fountain roundabout and announced he was running for mayor, in an attempt to unseat longtime incumbent Jim Brainard.

A light dust of snow was on the ground as  15 to 20 showed up for the brief remarks.

I am not making any endorsement for either candidate or trying to give more attention to any one candidate, but from a journalistic perspective it is exciting when a new face enters a race. Whether you’re a Brainard or a Sharp supporter, it’s interesting to examine Sharp’s campaign.

Here’s a portion of his speech Sharp gave:

City Councilor Eric Seidensticker, a longtime friend of Sharp’s, handed out campaign flyers for the new challenger:

Here is the media release that Sharp’s campaign sent out about his announcement:

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