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Westfield’s Thurman Calvin earns Eagle Scout rank

CIW COM Eagle Scout 2

More than 350 tulip, white oak, white pine, ninebark and dogwood trees and bushes were planted at Cool Creek Park’s southwest meadow to block the view of U.S. 31. (Submitted photo)

Thurman Calvin’s Eagle Scout project improved Cool Creek Park, but the full impact of his community service won’t be seen until the 15 year old is middle-aged.

“We planted tree samplings. Seedlings that need 30 to 40 years time to grow up,” he said.

Calvin, a sophomore at Westfield High School, planted several native species of trees and bushes in the southwest meadow of the park. The goal is to seclude the park from U.S. 31 which has become more visible as a result of the new bridge at 151st Street. The view of the freeway takes away from the visitor’s experience and Calvin hopes these trees and bushes provide a more natural environment which will benefit future generations.

“I wanted to do something different and set me apart,” he said. “I want to come back and look at something I did until they’re grown.”

Calvin is a member of Troop 152 at St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church and began his project by obtaining funding from United Way of Central Indiana’s Youth as Resources program.

“The most surprising thing about my Eagle Scout project was all the help from United Way,” he said. “Not only did they fund my project but they also got volunteers from the local Wal-Mart to help me in the planting which made this project possible.”

Thurman said 350 planted trees and bushes, which were purchased from the Indiana DNR, include tulip, white oak, white pine, ninebark and dogwood.

“The biggest thing I learned was to be prepared for something not to go your way,” Calvin said. “The samplings were larger than planned. We had to go and dig all the predug holes to make sure they would fit properly.”

Calvin completed his project on April 12 and has been working on other items for his board of review. Since the planting, Calvin has cared for the trees and bushes by mulching, making and installing cages, watering and inspecting the seedlings. He said he hopes that as the plants grow and thrive, they will reduce the sights and sounds of the highway, provide additional habitat for wildlife, and create a more relaxing environment for park visitors.

“They’ve all grown quite a bit,” he said.

Clavin earned Scouting’s highest rank at an Eagle Board of Review in November. He plans to have his Eagle ceremony in the spring at Cool Creek Park.

“Once we are done we can all go over and look at the trees,” he said.

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