Current Publishing

Carmel barber finds soul mate in rescue dog

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Greg Lilly and dog Buttercup. (Photo by Adam Aasen)

Greg Lilly and dog Buttercup. (Photo by Adam Aasen)

Gregory Lilly, a longtime barber at True Barbers at Range Line Road and Carmel Drive, is beloved by his customers. But Lilly works all the time and when he comes home he lives alone.

That’s why the 65-year-old began searching for a companion.

“Just living along, it was time to get some company,” he said.

Lilly grew up with pets and he thought a dog might give him the unconditional love he needs after a long day on his feet. Plus, he figured walking the dog would give him a good source of exercise.

He went to the Humane Society for Hamilton County and walked by the rows of dogs there. They all looked like they wanted homes, but he stopped when he caught the attention of one canine: Buttercup, a three-year-old Shiba Inu.

“It was her eyes,” he said. “She was saying, ‘Can you help me?’ For me, it was like, ‘Yes.’”

He said he saw love in those eyes and he fell in love with the breed. Shiba Inus are traditional Japanese dogs, one of the oldest breeds on earth. They used to sit at the feet of emperors and act as guards. They look like a husky but they only grow to be about 35 pounds.

Lilly knew this was the dog for him, but unfortunately he was told that Buttercup wasn’t available for adoption. She had a respiratory infection that required foster care before she could be adopted. When she came back from her foster home, she could be adopted by anyone: first come, first serve.

Lilly didn’t want any other dog and he was telling his receptionist at the barber shop one day when a customer overheard. It was Phillip Snyder, who is married to Luci Snyder, a member of the Carmel City Council and a board member for the local Humane Society. He said he would speak to Luci to see if it could get sorted out.

Snyder said she spoke to Humane Society Executive Director Rebecca Stevens and they two were matched together for forever.

“I can’t put it into words,” Lilly said. “Luci Snyder is like a godsend. She really has a passion for what she does.”

Stevens said she didn’t know about the situation until Snyder contacted her.

“When I heard he had no other pets, I knew we could send her home as a ‘Foster 2 Adopt’ until she was well,” she said. “I don’t think our team realized that when he first came in. So, Luci is the one to thank for making this connection much more than me.”

Lilly said Buttercup has the energy of a puppy but is “as smart as a whip.” He hugs her and she kisses him. His 65th birthday was on Feb. 8 and he said this is the best gift he could have.

“Now I have a birthday gift that nobody can take from me,” he said. “And that’s Buttercup’s love.”

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