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Meet your teacher, Emily Price

CIW ED Teacher Price

Grade/school: Fifth grade language arts, Westfield Intermediate

Number of years teaching: Four

Background/schooling: Carmel High School and bachelor’s degree in elementary education and special education, Ball State University.

Why did you become a teacher? I think that many teachers choose this profession because somewhere along the way they were inspired by a teacher of their own. I was fortunate to have multiple inspiring role models in my academic career that ignited my passion for learning and teaching. I had one elementary teacher in particular, also my basketball coach, who took a special interest in me and helped me reach the goals that I set for myself. I chose to become a teacher so that I could inspire and encourage a love of learning in others and have the opportunity to help kids reach their personal dreams.

What goals do you have for your students? I want my students to leave my classroom with the ability to independently solve problems. I want them to be able to begin to see the world from a lens other than their own. I want them to be able to think critically about what they are reading and develop a voice for their personal writing. I want my students to be more comfortable and confident speaking in front of a group.

What do you encourage parents to do at home to help their children strengthen particular skills? I encourage parents to let their children see them as an active reading role model and to take interest by holding conversations about what their child is reading. It’s important that kids are reading and writing every night at home, not just in the school environment. I would also encourage parents to help their children find solutions to a variety of problems instead of providing an answer.

What is your favorite movie? “Good Will Hunting.”

What is your favorite musician or band? Depends on the day you ask!

What’s something your students might not know about you? I once played on the first-place team in a mud volleyball tournament that helped raise money for a children’s hospital.

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