Current Publishing

Letter: ‘Experience’ rush hour traffic


Retired and living at Mohawk Hills for 18+ years now. Since the roundabouts came along, traffic has changed a great deal. When traveling to Kroger, i have to turn east on 126th as turning west is nearly impossible. Coming back a side street is taken to travel to Auman Drive to make the commute home a bit easier. Eliminating the stop sign (cause and effect) will produce many problems during rush hour.

With no “stop sign,” traffic will flow freely during rush hour. Any traffic westbound from keystone (north bound and south bound) plus west bound traffic on 126th street will create chaos. With out the current “stop and go” at Auman Drive, motorists will have the opportunity to freely drive east bound with no problem. West bound traffic will be backed up in front of the Mohawk Hills complex due to virtually no chance of turning left, into the complex; this will back up west bound 126th street and will carry over into the lanes coming in from both north and south keystone, not to mention west bound from 126th street, from across keystone avenue (Brookshire, etc.). The roundabouts will be bottled up, blocking east bound traffic on 126th that either wants to enter keystone avenue (either direction). It’s a complete bottleneck during rush hour.

Currently during rush hour, eastbound 126th creates only about a two minute wait in a continuously moving line of traffic, or about the same time it takes to clear the lights at 96th street and keystone north bound.

Please, city leaders, experience this first hand during rush hour traffic before blindly passing an ordinance to remove the stop sign on Auman Drive. You will see how smoothly traffic flows, all ways. Thank you for your time.

Jimmy Hunter


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