Current Publishing

Letter: Mayor is the ‘reason for our success’


I don’t know whether to feel privileged or punished by the unwanted political solicitations that have been showing up in my email inbox and my mailbox.  I didn’t ask to be included on the list, I don’t even agree with the assertions made in these communications, but what is ironic is that the politician who wants to be mayor thinks that we as voters are completely isolated from reality.

If you are like me you currently live in what is becoming known as the “Best City.” Carmel’s Palladium, Farmers Market, 160 miles of paved trails, a city park system that’s second to none, world-renowned infrastructure including roundabouts and connectivity, highly ranked schools, low crime, free events, unparalleled beatification, ever increasing jobs and low taxes have landed our city at the top or at least in the top ten lists of literally dozens of national rankings of quality of life, economy, safety and opportunity.

THE OBVIOUS REASON WHY WE LIVE IN THE BEST CITY is great leadership. All these amazing city assets don’t happen on accident, these things happened because of vision, competence, great teamwork (despite having a majority of City Council that is so entrenched on trying to prove our Mayor wrong that they make decisions that are bad for our community), and overall strong management.

Our mayor is a big reason for our success.  The doom and gloom arguments of his opponents don’t make sense and would ultimately in my opinion knock Carmel off of the “Best City” lists.  That is a future that I don’t want.

Joshua A. Kirsh

Planning Commissioner & Park Board Officer


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