Current Publishing

Opinion: Armchair sports

Defined as possessing a state of mind including irrational, thoughtless, and negative assessment of people, ideas, or beliefs while clinging to one’s flawed self-perception, bigots love politics. Unquestionably, one could point to grenade throwers on both sides of the recent religious freedom debate. Moralizing has long been an American armchair sport.

As discussed and widely expected, the issue seems to have landed in an indecipherable draw with both sides arguing victory while still demanding further “protection.” Were it a lesson to those legislators who would use their power to govern as a tool to force the subjugation of their, well, subjects, we could move on. Unfortunately, it’s added more legislation to more legislation to more legislation. One wonders the good of it.

Leaders of countless institutions use broad-brush shaming to demand their own point-of-view. And, it seems to work. Perhaps we could apply the tactic to the on-going executions of “non-Muslims” by “non-Christians” in Africa? Maybe a super-cool company like Sales Force could lead the way. Or, maybe Apple, which has more employees in countries that execute homosexuals than it does Indiana, could send out a Tweet. Let’s punish all “non-Christians” until they force the capitulation of other “non-Christians” – we can host a bacchanal of self-congratulatory, preening, and likewise erudite editorials cast from the highest reaches of our “right” minded elite.

Let’s boycott Africa. It must be a continent of racists! Does New York do business there? One wonders when they will provide the moral beacon to withdraw from Africa with indignation. Will Gov. Andrew Cuomo voice the necessary reference point? What will we do until the press conference is called? Let’s stand by with CNN on live feed learning that Bruce Jenner is sad that his ex-wife’s daughter is sharing his clothes. Life is complex. Shouldn’t we be slow to judge?

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