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Endurance House Fishers hosts bike donation drive

Endurance House Owner Jay Miller

Jay Miller, owner of Endurance House Fishers. (Photo by Renee Larr)

Jay Miller, owner of Endurance House Fishers.
(Photo by Renee Larr)

On April 25, Endurance House Fishers location hosted a community used bike drive. Endurance House teamed up with Dow AgroSciences Agrocyclists group to increase donations for the nonprofit, Freewheelin’ Community Bikes. FCB’s mission is simple-believing in the worth and the gifts of each person to enrich the world, Freewheelin’ Community Bikes uses bicycles to bring out the best in people and in our community.

“So, basically their main thing is to do this earn a bike program. It’s for 10 to 18-year-olds. They teach the kids how to completely strip down the bikes and put them back together. Before they can earn the actual bike for themselves they have to be able to prove they can do that. By the time they finish this program they’re qualified to work at a bike shop because they know all the skills that it takes to put the bikes together,” said Emily Stewart of Dow AgroSciences.

Endurance House not only sells equipment for runners and cyclists but they also consult customers on proper shoes for your gait, bike fitting, bike maintenance and can provide training programs for those looking to get into a new activity.

Some members of DASA volunteer for FCB so the donation drive was a perfect fit for the two.

“Last year we had a bike drive at work and we got a good number of bikes, but I thought if we reached out to the community we could get a lot more,” said Stewart. She then contacted Endurance House to work together in their community for donations.

Endurance House will still accept donations for FCB all year long at both locations. People are encouraged to donate bikes their children may have outgrown or they have discontinued using.

For more information regarding FCB visit

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