Current Publishing

Column: High touch God, low touch culture

CIF VIEWS 0317 VandenBerg LG


Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him. (Matthew 20:34)

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, etc. … With the emergence of all the new and latest social media sites, communication has gotten easier and more immediate. We are able to stay connected clear across the globe with just a few keystrokes. We are able to connect in ways that people only a generation ago would never even have dreamed of. Events and news is no longer screened but is delivered via cell phones to media sites for the entire world to view. However, as with every innovation comes not only the strengths, but also potential weaknesses. What we are increasingly loosing is our face to face, personal touch in our interactions with one another.

We all continue to desire personal, meaningful and high touch ways to connect with others. While most of us treasurer the ability to stay in touch with those far away, we also crave the personal touch of person to person connections.

Jesus was a high touch saviour. He could have delivered healing, hope and grace from his place in heaven, but he chose to come and occupy our space here on earth. He became like us in every way but sin, so he could interact with us personally. He literally would touch to heal, touch to offer compassion and touch to offer hope.

We can learn about Jesus by watching television or reading a book, but if you want to “know Him” you need a personal experience with Him. This is where the community of the Church comes in. Churches all around our city are inviting you to come and experience not only the community of believers but the communion with Christ.

The congregation I serve recently sold it building of 30 years, and moved into the YMCA in Lawrence as a way to bring the community of Christ in touch with the YMCA, it’s staff, the community of Lawrence and all that live and work there. We want to be a high touch, personal community, by bringing ministry back into the market place as our way to be like Jesus. Why not try a local congregation this Sunday and see if Jesus is not reaching out to “touch” your life in the areas of need.

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