Current Publishing

Cooking with Ceci: A Costa Rican classic

CIZ ND 0630 Cooking with Ceci.

(Photo by Ceci Martinez)

(Photo by Ceci Martinez)

Commentary by Ceci Martinez

Take a virtual trip to beautiful Costa Rica! “Gallo Pinto” (“Speckled Rooster” for the color of rice and beans together), is a very popular breakfast dish.

Note: The secret for delicious plantains is to let them ripe until the peel becomes black and soft. You can find plantains in most markets but they are rarely sold as ripe as you want them for the “Gallo Pinto” recipe. Place them inside a brown bag to speed up ripening.


Serve: 4 / Cook: 20 minutes


2 cups pre-cooked white rice, or left over rice

1 (16 oz.) can of black beans

Pinch of cumin

Salt and pepper to taste

About 8 sweet bell peppers, finely chopped

Handful of cherry tomatoes, cut in half

1 onion, finely chopped

2 over-ripe plantains

4 eggs

Avocado sliced (optional)


Preheat canola oil. Peel plantains, slice into diagonal 1/4 thick pieces and add them to hot oil. Fry until golden brown on each side, about 2-3 minutes per side [let you dad or mom take care of this step- hot oil burns]. Place fried plantains on napkin to absorb excess oil. Cook onion until brown, add bell peppers and cherry tomatoes; cumin, salt and pepper to taste. In a microwave oven heat rice and black beans in separate containers. Panfry eggs sunny side up. Assemble your ingredients: fill 1/2 cup with rice, add two spoonfuls of onion/pepper/tomato mix and fill up cup with rice, and invert over plate. Surround rice “volcano” with egg, plantain and a slice of avocado. Like Costa Ricans say, “pura vida” (enjoy!)

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