Current Publishing

Letter: Thank you, volunteers


Thanks for volunteering and serving the community in Carmel. As the newly formed Volunteer Focus Committee of the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel, we wish to publicly thank all of our volunteers for the many hours of service given in support of our community. Our volunteers are non-paid ambassadors of good will to the patrons of the Center. All of our ushers give freely of their time, talent, and some even give of their treasure in the support and promotion of the performing arts in Carmel.

Most of the members of the Volunteer Focus Committee are ushers themselves who serve at all three venues of the Center. At the Palladium, we are surrounded by beautiful architecture, colorful interiors, and exposed to wondrous sounding concerts in an acoustically finessed hall. Serving at the Tarkington one is witness to the latest, most complete back stage facilities available anywhere. Recently a shallow water pool, of all things, was constructed on stage at the Tarkington for a dance performance. For intimacy in theatre productions, volunteers at The Studio Theater, experience a small, black box, floor level stage for small to medium size, even experimental productions.

We invite anyone interested in serving the performing arts community in Carmel to become a Center Volunteer Usher. Come, see, hear and encounter all that the performing arts have to offer and in the process help serve your community. If at all curious or just interested please email Sharon Holyoak at HYPERLINK “” for additional information. We look forward to seeing and serving with you at The Center for the Performing Arts.

On behalf of the Center’s Volunteer Focus Committee,

Bill Dorsch

Committee member

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