Current Publishing

Letter: No guide, full of ‘half-truths’


I don’t know another way to put this so shame on you and the Current magazine for printing the “non-Mormon Temple Visitors Guide”. First is that the title leads you to read the article if you are planning to take advantage of the Church’s offer to view the Temple before dedication. It is NOT a guide but a slanderous, deceitful, miss-directing pile of miss-quotes and half-truths.

The article would have people believe that Mormons are a bunch of devil worshipers or idiots that will lead it’s members and anyone else astray from true Christianity. While I do not attend a Mormon church (I attend North View Church) I was raised in a strong LDS based environment. I know the Mormons to be a God fearing, hard working group of people on the whole and consider this article to be an example of liberal media bias. I’m sure your next issue will attack Catholics or Methodist in some manner.

Oh I know why don’t you print “How ISIS loves America” for your next issue. I’m sorry to vent on you personally I’m sure the Current’s received some much needed revenue by printing this tripe.

Norwin Hall


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