Current Publishing

Where’s Amy?: Paper Towns

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‘Where’s Amy?” was on the red carpet representing Current Publications and hanging out with "Paper Towns,” Nat Wolff, Halston Sage and John Green. The film is playing now across the Country and is already a huge hit.

“Where’s Amy?” I was on the red carpet with Hoosier author John Green and several celebrities for the popular  “Paper Towns – Get Lost Get Found Tour.” Yep, more than 2,500 screaming die-hard fans lined up at the Old National Centre in Indy at 5 a.m. to secure a seat and hopeful glimpse of Green and clan. After waiting several hours in the scorching sun, lucky fans were treated to a special musical performance by The Wolff Brothers, a 19-minute sneak preview of exclusive footage from the movie and a Q & A with the cast and some other surprises. Talent included Indianapolis 500 Race Car Driver’s Joseff Newgarden, Sage Karam and Conor Daly. Indianapolis Colts player Anthony Castonzo and teammate Jack Newhart were there.

Greg Ballard, Mayor of Indianapolis (who presented Green with a proclamation and an official “John Green Day”), Akilah Hughes, YouTube Creator and host of the Paper Towns #GetLostGetFound Tour, and the film’s heartthrobs musician Alex Wolff, actor Nat Wolff and actress Halston Sage. The day was full of red carpet excitement and although I could not hear for days due to the screaming fans, “Where’s Amy?” gives “Paper Towns” two thumbs up! Go see “Paper Towns,” in theaters now.

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