Current Publishing

Fishers man to aid nonprofits

CIF COM 0818 Charitybusiness2

Steve and Wendy Roseman. (Submitted photo)

Steve and Wendy Roseman. (Submitted photo)

By Anna Skinner


A Fishers man, Steve Roseman, created two businesses in hopes of bringing the Indiana community together through charities and fundraising.

The original business, Wedocharityauctions, led Steve to his new campaign, ALL Indiana.

“I was introduced into the fundraising industry, it was a fun, new interactive way for people attending a lot of events to participate in giving money to charities, and in that process I started (Wedocharityauctions),” Steve said. “A big common denominator is that organizations have money but don’t have the manpower to put on events or they have the manpower but no funds, so looking at all their challenges, we decided to do a 24 hour giving day, free for those organizations and doesn’t cost them anything and paired with their marketing efforts together we created a pretty amazing program.”

Steve wanted to create an event that brought nonprofits, the community and businesses together. The website,, is open for donations. On Dec. 9, the 24 hour giving day called ALL IN 24 will begin. Steve hopes to have around 1,000 local charities and raise $10 million. People can visit the website and donate to the charity of their choice.

Steve’s wife, Wendy, has been supportive through his entire journey.

“This business is Steve’s, I’m just his biggest fan slash advocate, this is his baby,” Wendy said.

“I launched ALL Indiana to bring Hoosiers together by aiding nonprofit organizations who are changing the lives of those in our community,” Steve said.

For any nonprofits in Indiana hoping to get involved, they can register on the website or send Steve an email at

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