Current Publishing

Column: Find balance, support in triangle pose

CIZ HEALTH 0818 Anne Johnson e1439741689473

The triangle pose helps strengthen legs and feet and encourages deep breathing. (Submitted photo by Brett Johnson)

The triangle pose helps strengthen legs and feet and encourages deep breathing. (Submitted photo by Brett Johnson)

Commentary by Anne Johnson

Namaste! August means back to the books for most of our readers. In honor of the transition back to school, I’m proud to feature a “mathematical” yoga pose. Yoga helps us find a balance of effort and ease and live fully in the present moment. Now let me introduce triangle pose.

A triangle is a basic shape with three sides and three angles. Triangles are one of the most supportive shapes used in building. If you try to push down on a triangle, its points will help it hold its shape. Look at a bridge or even playground equipment and see if you can spy triangles in their structures.

Transform into your own triangle. Stand with your feet wider than your hips, toes point forward. Swivel your feet so that your left foot points straight to the left and your right foot turns left slightly. Stretch your arms straight out to your sides. Now slide your body out over your left leg by reaching your left arm to the left. Reach until you cannot reach anymore, then drop your left hand down onto your shin. Reach your right arm up toward the sky.

Try triangle pose in front of a mirror, and count the number of triangles your body makes. Make sure you do triangle to the right as well to stay balanced.

Triangle builds a strong base in building and in our bodies, too! Triangle pose helps us strengthen our legs and feet and encourages deeper breath across the chest as you stretch your arms wide. With a strong foundation in your legs and feet, your whole body will feel strong and supported.

*Contributor Anne Johnson teaches kids, tots, expectant and new mothers yoga at Simply Yoga in Zionsville. As a 200 RYT registered yoga teacher, engineer, and children’s book author, Anne enjoys writing and sharing “adult ideas” in a way that makes them accessible to children.

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