Current Publishing

Homecoming proposal

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Both families of the NHS students helped surprise James at her home on Sept. 5. (Photos by Sadie Hunter)

On Sept. 5, Noblesville High School sophomore Ally James, 15,  was in for a surprise when Josh Cook, 16, who she’s been dating for approximately two months, asked her to Homecoming—but not in the most simple or traditional way. The couple met and began dating after their involvement with the Noblesville Marching Millers band.

Trending on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, high schoolers all over the country have been sharing unique ways of asking friends, boyfriends and girlfriends to dances like prom and homecoming.

Cook’s proposal consisted of a heart-shaped pizza, with the top of the box reading, “I know this is cheesy! But, will you be my date to Homecoming?”, complete with a question mark made of pepperoni. James’ mother Jane Grimes said the two share a love of pizza.

The NHS Homecoming Dance is Sept. 19.


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