Current Publishing

Opinion: Just how short is her memory?


“If it’s all the same to you, Mr. Trump, I would rather you stop cherishing women and start respecting women.” – Hillary Rodham Clinton, speaking at a campaign event in Portsmouth, N.H. We haven’t stopped laughing at that one. This is from the same person that worked with her husband in an attempt to destroy Monica Lewinsky back in the 1990s. We’re sure you recognize that name. In a fantastic article by the late, great Christopher Hitchens, wherein he wrote about a lunch he had with long-time Clinton aide, Sidney Blumenthal, we learned exactly how much “respect” the Clintons have for women. During that lunch, Blumenthal discussed how the White House was going to destroy Lewinsky’s life by labeling her a “stalker” and “blackmailer.” This is the typical Clinton M.O.: Trash your accusers. Then the now-famous (infamous?) blue dress appears. Oops. We only bring this up because this is just one example how the Clintons “respect” women. Oh, not to worry about Blumenthal; he’s still an active adviser to a candidate for president. You guessed it: Hillary Clinton.

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It’s not too late to join us for Chaucie’s Place annual signature fundraiser, Treasure our Children. It is at 5:30 p.m., Sept. 16, at Ritz Charles in Carmel. We’re proud to sponsor it. For more information, please visit

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We always thought Launch Fishers was onto something when its co-working space was launched. Now, others are catching on. Launch founder John Wechsler was called on recently to help begin The Refinery, a similar initiative in Marion. It’s not the only such venture that has looked to Launch as a model or for guidance, and with good reason. Here’s a case where we believe success will breed success. Well done!

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