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Carmel schools to participate in International Walk to School Day 2015


Several million children and their families around the world will be taking to their feet in support of International Walk to School Day which takes place on Oct.7. Children and their families from all schools in Carmel are encouraged to take part by walking to school on that morning.

This year Walk to School Day activities are planned at Carmel Elementary, Cherry Tree Elementary, College Wood Elementary, Mohawk Trails Elementary, Orchard Park Elementary, Prairie Trace Elementary, Smoky Row Elementary, West Clay Elementary, and Woodbrook Elementary. All of the schools are encouraging students to walk to school and some are including walking and bicycling safety lessons in their PE classes on Oct. 7.

School and city officials ask drivers to use extra caution when driving near schools on Walk to School Day.

Thousands of schools across more than 40 countries will be organizing walk to school promotional activities and events on Walk to School Day, in an effort to reduce the number of short car trips on the daily school-run.

The aim of Walk to School Day is to raise awareness about the many positive health, safety and environmental benefits gained from regular walking to and from school. It also encourages families to actively participate and to share their experiences with a global audience. If most families who regularly drive short trips to school were to walk together just part of the way, some of the time, astonishing differences could be noticed – not the least of which is fewer fill-ups at the gas station.

Read more about this global event:

Submitted release.

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