Current Publishing

Hamilton East library launches Booktoberfest

CIF COM 1006 Author Fair1


By James Feichtner


Buying local is often supported by local communities, but what about reading local? For Hamilton East Public Library, celebrating local authors is exactly what it has planned at its first Booktoberfest Author Fair Oct. 10.

“This is the first time that the Fishers library is having an author fair,” Kirstin Edwards, HEPL’s Adult Services Manager, said. “The point of it is to connect our community with some of the local, maybe lesser known authors that happen to be living in Fishers and Hamilton County, as well as give our patrons access to maybe better known authors such as our keynote [speakers].”


Three keynote speakers will be featured at the event. They include Susan Crandall, author of “Whistling Past the Graveyard”, novelist and journalist Dan Wakefield, author of “Going All the Way” and “Starting Over” and Mike Mullen, author of the “Ashfall” trilogy.

Aside from the keynote speakers, there will 18 additional, local authors partaking in the event.

“From 9:30 a.m. to (noon) and then again from 1 to 4 p.m. we have two groups of local authors,” Edwards said. “There are going to be nine in each group. They are going to have their own table and they are going to do signings and selling and readings and kind of a meet and greet with their readers.”

The event will run from the morning through the afternoon. Aside from a chance to meet and hear from the authors, food will also be provided from GiGi’s Cupcakes and Pizza Hut

For more info on this free event, visit

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