Current Publishing

Opinion: A quantum leap for CHS student


The Davidson Institute has awarded Carmel High School student Sreya Vemuri a Davidson Fellows scholarship for talent development. The 16-year-old is one of only 20 students from across the nation to be recognized as a 2015 Davidson Fellow for significant contributions in science, technology, engineering, math, music or literature. She won a $25,000 scholarship for work in the field of quantum mechanics. Sreya’s work advances fundamental quantum mechanics of parity-time symmetric systems. We congratulate Vemuri on her achievement.

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This whole Volkswagen thing is an incredible mess. If you don’t own a VW, you’re probably thinking the fallout won’t affect you. Wrong. You and we, via the federal government, paid out in excess of $51 million for green-car subsidies – all because the emissions reports were pure fiction. Fleeced again, fellow taxpayers, weren’t we? And yet nobody seems to care. It’s just another headline fading to white by now.

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Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) can’t make up her mind about a lot of issues, can she? With a U.S. Senate voting record that shows her as uncompromisingly pro-choice with respect to abortions, the campaign cycle has brought about a different response. She said to NBC News that she was “open” to restrictions on late-term abortion. Draw your own conclusion.

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The Stupid Americans of the Week Award (we just made up that title) goes to the couple in central Ohio that knocked off a community bank and followed that by posting photos of themselves with fistfuls of dollars on Facebook. Didn’t need Sherlock Holmes to solve that.

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Columbus Day is Oct. 12, and the post office will be closed. As a result, Current will be delivered on Oct. 10.

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