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Noblesville Chamber of Commerce to celebrate women with WIN Week

CIN COM 1031 WIN week

During WIN Week, small groups work together to network over both personal and professional topics. (Submitted photo)

During WIN Week, small groups work together to network over both personal and professional topics. (Submitted photo)

By Mark Ambrogi


It will be a win-win week for women in Noblesville, or more specifically, a WINWeek.

The Noblesville Chamber of Commerce will celebrate women in Noblesville with weeklong events from Nov. 2 to 6. This is the second year for WINWeek. More than 250 women participated in its first year.

“We’ll be focusing on women’s events throughout the year, but this is our one-week component where we have a week of events,” said Mary Noble, director of business development for the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce. “We have a committee of women and some guys who work on this week a good portion of the year. We try to come up with some different topics that will helpful to women in business and women in the Noblesville area as well as Hamilton County. The emphasis is smaller groups where there is a lot of interaction. So it’s a good chance to connect with others.”

Noble said women do not have to be members of the Chamber to participate.

“It’s a good way to see what the Chamber is all about too and a great way to connect with other women,” Noble said.

There will be a variety of nonprofits, such as Prevail, the Humane Society for Hamilton County, Hamilton County Leadership Academy and Noblesville Main Street at the Nonprofit Volunteering Speed Dating event on Nov. 3.

“(It’s) for women to connect and realize what volunteer opportunities there are,” Noble said. “You can go around and talk to each organization and see what their needs are and what they’re looking for if you want to get involved.

For more, visit


Nov. 2

11 a.m. to 1 p.m. — Financial Check-Up Luncheon. The Four Quads of Financial Health. Cumberland Room at Taylored Systems.

7 p.m. — Colts Away Game Tailgate and WINWeek Kickoff Celebration at Scotty’s Brewhouse in Noblesville.

Nov. 3

2 to 5 p.m. — Nonprofit volunteering “Speed Dating”

with keynote speaker Joyce Irwin, president of Community Health Foundation

Nov. 4

11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. — Women’s Healthy Habits Luncheon. Mustard Seed Gardens ($25 registration fee).

Nov. 5

11:30 to 1 p.m. — Generation Gap Lunch & Learn. Stone Creek Dining Company, Noblesville.

Nov. 6

7:30 to 9:30 a.m. — Myth Busters: Work/Life Balance and other Misnomers, a breakfast. Cambria Hotel & Suites ($15 registration)

5:30 p.m. — WINWeek Wrap-Up and Holiday Shopping Preview

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