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Column: Adding color to your kitchen cabinets

IO 0112 Decker

Colorful cabinets are back in style. (Submitted photo)

Colorful cabinets are back in style. (Submitted photo)
Colorful cabinets are back in style. (Submitted photo)

Commentary by David Decker

Colorful cabinets are back in style and one of the most popular design trends. Don’t get us wrong, classic white cabinets are still very popular and something clients frequently request. However, colorful hues in the kitchen are popping up more and more. Bright cabinets can really brighten up the space of your kitchen and can transform otherwise dated cabinetry. Even just a painted island can liven up a space and add a new look to your kitchen.

Black cabinets are a color option that adds a serious look of sophistication. We’ve seen black gain popularity recently, especially in modern homes. These cabinets usually bring a glossy, formal finish to the room and compliment almost any other accent color.

Another popular interior color, gray, is also becoming more common on cabinets. Less traditional than white but also a neutral option, gray still allows for easy decorating and is available in a large variety of shades.

Another color to consider for cabinets is blue. This is a great option when looking to add a nautical or cottage feeling to your home. The list of blue hues available is endless and choosing one for the upper cabinets and a different for the lower cabinets can add interest you may not have had before.

Whatever your style, make your selection carefully. Colors especially seem to come in and out of style quickly, which makes it a little difficult to select a timeless look that features a lot of color. If you are choosing to implement colorful cabinets, you will want to make sure that it does not overpower the design scheme of the room or the rest of your home. We suggest meeting with one of our designs to make the best decision for your style.


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