Current Publishing

Opinion: Relinquishing reins once more


Last year, we wrote in this space about how we were turning our editorial management over to one among our news team, Sophie Pappas, now our editorial director. It was difficult to let go, but the results of our decision couldn’t have worked out better. Now we find ourselves in the same boat with respect to our revenue operation. It is as near and dear to us as editorial and our team are. But if we were honest with ourselves, and we are, it became apparent it was time to step back from that part of the business, too. We’re growing, and we believe we can grow a whole lot better by relinquishing the day-to-day management of sales to a proven professional. So that’s what we decided to do, and as of Feb.1, Marka Sonoga is our first sales manager. She comes to us from El Dorado, Ark., where she was the advertising director, having previously served in a similar capacity in LaGrange, Ga. Prior to that, she was involved in ad sales for print and television in Youngstown, Ohio. Needless to say, we’re excited to have her aboard. We have tasked Marka with building a newer and improved sales culture here, a challenge she readily accepts. You’ll find her out in the community as often as in the office, because she wants to become immersed in all the goings-on. It’s striking and energizing to sit back and realize how far this company has come with the help of incredibly talented people and valued advertising partners. We anticipate Marka only will add to it. You may reach her at or 317.489.4444.

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